Democratic Women of Mecklenburg County
We're the life of the party!
To champion the election and appointment of Democrats,
especially women, to public office and to advocate for policies consistent with the platform of the Democratic Party.
Constitution and By-Laws of the
Democratic Women of Mecklenburg County
(as revised November 9, 2022)
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Democratic Women of Mecklenburg County (“DWMC”).
Section 2. The DWMC is a County Organization of the Democratic Women of North Carolina (“DWNC”), as provided in the DWNC Constitution, Bylaws & Standing Rules.
Section 3. It shall be the mission of the DWMC to champion the election and appointment of Democrats, especially women, to public office and to advocate for policies consistent with the platform of the Democratic Party.
Section 1. To further the development of the Democratic Party in Mecklenburg County as a dynamic force in the community.
Section 2. To disseminate information concerning the principles, programs, and traditions of the Democratic Party.
Section 3. To encourage all Democrats to participate in the work of their party as a public service in the belief that the party system is the strength of our great representative form of government.
Section 4. To encourage women to seek public office and to participate in the activities of the Democratic Party.
Section 5. To encourage elected officials to appoint qualified women to boards and commissions.
Section 6. To support Democratic candidates in general elections at the local, state, and federal levels.
Section 7. To support legislation in the General Assembly and the United States Congress in conformity with the principles of the Democratic Party.
Section 8. To promote diversity within the DWMC and the Democratic Party.
Section 1. General Membership
General Membership shall be open to women who are registered Democrats and reside in Mecklenburg County. For the purposes of Membership, “women” shall include any individual who identifies as female.
An applicant shall become a General Member upon (i) completed application, (ii) verification of registered party affiliation in Mecklenburg County, and (iii) payment of dues as provided in Article X of the Democratic Women of Mecklenburg County Constitution and Bylaws.
A General Member:
Shall have the power to vote upon registered attendance at two (2) Membership Meetings.
Must have been a General Member for one (1) year and currently in Good Standing to take office as a Committee Chair on the Executive Board.
Must have been a General Member for two (2) years and currently in Good Standing to take office as an Officer on the Executive Board.
Failure by a General Member to maintain Good Standing shall result in suspension of the right to vote and the right to hold office until Good Standing is restored.
Section 2. Associate Membership
Associate Membership shall be open to registered Democrats who do not qualify for General Membership.
An applicant shall become an Associate Member upon (i) completed application, (ii) verification of registered party affiliation, and (iii) payment of dues as provided in Article X.
An Associate Member may not vote and may not hold office.
Failure by an Associate Member to maintain Good Standing may result in suspension or revocation of membership until Good Standing is restored.
Section 3. Definitions
“Membership” is the General Membership and the Associate Membership, as a whole.
“Good Standing” is the status assigned a General Member when she (i) remains current on organization dues, with a thirty (30) day grace period upon notice of arrears, (ii) continues to reside in Mecklenburg County, and (iii) maintains voter registration as a Democrat with the Mecklenburg County Board of Elections, or an Associate Member when he or she (i) remains current on organization dues, with a thirty (30) day grace period upon notice of arrears and (ii) maintains voter registration as a Democrat
Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of:
First Vice President
Second Vice President
Third Vice President
Immediate Past President
Standing Committee Chairs
Constitution and Bylaws
Public Relations
Internal Communications
Issues and Resolutions
Ways and Means
Section 2. The Officers (other than the Immediate Past President) and the Chairs of the Standing Committees shall be elected by the General Membership.
Section 3. The Executive Board shall:
Have general supervision of DWMC affairs between Membership Meetings.
Transact all business referred by the Membership.
Make recommendations to the Membership.
Perform such other duties as provided in the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 1. Nominating Committee
Nominating Committee members shall be elected at the July Membership Meeting.
The Nominating Committee shall consist of five (5) members elected by the General Membership:
Two (2) shall be members of the Executive Board.
Three (3) shall be from the Membership and not currently serving on the Executive Board.
The President shall appoint a temporary chair to call the initial meeting of the Nominating Committee, at which time the Nominating Committee shall elect a permanent Chair.
Nominating Committee members shall not be slated for an elected office on the Executive Board.
Section 2. Fundraising Disbursement Committee
The Fundraising Disbursement Committee shall be appointed by the President within a reasonable time following the Annual Doris Cromartie Fundraiser Reception.
The Fundraising Disbursement Committee shall consist of five (5) Members appointed by the President:
One (1) shall be a member of the Executive Board, who will serve as Chair of the Fundraising Disbursement Committee.
One (1) shall be a member of the Ways and Means Committee.
Three (3) shall be from the Membership and not currently serving on the Executive Board.
Fundraising Disbursement Committee members shall not serve on an active local, state, or national campaign in a leadership role (including, but not limited to, Campaign Manager, Treasurer, or GOTV Chair) while serving on the Fundraising Disbursement Committee.
Section 3. Audit Committee
The Audit Committee shall be formed at least every even-numbered year to audit the Treasurer’s accounts, as required by the DWNC Constitution, Bylaws & Standing Rules.
The Chair of the Audit Committee shall be elected by the General Membership at the March Membership Meeting at least every even-numbered year.
The Chair of the Audit Committee may appoint additional members from the Membership, at her discretion.
Section 4. Grievance Committee
The Grievance Committee shall be a Permanent Special Committee.
The Grievance Committee shall consist of five (5) Members and one (1) alternate appointed by the President and confirmed by a majority vote of the Executive Board:
One (1) Member shall be a member of the Executive Board.
One (1) Member shall be the Parliamentarian.
Three (3) Members and the one (1) alternate shall be from the Membership and not currently serving on the Executive Board.
The alternate shall only serve if: (i) a grievance is lodged against a Member of the Grievance Committee and that Member must recuse herself, or (ii) a Member of the Grievance Committee is unable to serve the remainder of her term for any other reason.
The appointments shall be made in odd-numbered years and the members shall serve a term of two (2) years.
The President shall appoint a temporary chair to call the initial meeting of the Grievance Committee, at which time the Grievance Committee shall elect its own Chair.
Should a grievance be lodged against a member of the Grievance Committee or the Executive Board, that member shall recuse herself from any consideration of said grievance by the Grievance Committee or the Executive Board.
Section 5. Any other committee of limited duration formed for a special purpose by (i) appointment by the President, (ii) a majority vote of the Executive Board, or (iii) written petition of fifty (50) General Members.
Section 1. Should a vacancy other than the office of the President occur on the Executive Board, the President shall appoint, upon confirmation by a majority vote of the Executive Board, a qualified General Member in Good Standing to fill the unexpired term.
Section 2. Should a vacancy occur in the office of the President, the Executive Board shall, by a majority vote, elect a qualified General Member in Good Standing to fill the unexpired term.
Section 3. Officers or Standing Committee Chairs appointed or elected to complete any unexpired vacancy between elections shall be eligible for a full term of office in the next election.
Section 1. An Officer or Standing Committee Chair may be removed from office by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board and the vacancy filled as provided in Article VI if she:
Fails to perform the duties of her office or to support the DWMC Purposes.
Abuses her authority, or engages in other misconduct that calls into question her fitness for office.
Fails to maintain Good Standing.
Has two (2) absences from meetings of the Executive Board.
Publicly endorses or supports a candidate(s) in contested elections involving more than one Democrat.
Publicly endorses or supports a candidate(s) of an opposing party.
Section 2. An Officer, Standing Committee Chair, or Special Committee Chair or Member may be removed from office at the pleasure of the General Membership. The vote required for adoption of such a motion at a Membership Meeting is (i) a two-thirds vote with no previous notice, or (ii) a majority vote when ten (10) days previous written notice has been given.
Section 1. This DWMC Constitution and Bylaws may be amended in accordance with the procedures herein.
Section 2. A proposed amendment must be presented in written form to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee.
Section 3. A proposed amendment that has been approved for a vote by one of the methods provided in the Constitution and Bylaws, Article XIV, Section 1(A)(2) must be submitted in writing by mail or email to the Membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the Membership Meeting at which it will be voted upon.
Section 4. An affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the General Membership present and in Good Standing at a Membership Meeting where a Quorum has been declared is required to adopt an amendment to the Constitution and Bylaws.
The rules contained in ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER, NEWLY REVISED, or the latest edition, shall govern the DWMC in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the DWMC Constitution and Bylaws, and Standing Rules. The DWMC Standing Rules are set forth herein below the DWMC Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 1. The fiscal year shall begin on January 1st and end on December 31st.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall establish Membership dues.
Section 3. Membership dues shall be payable on January 1st of each year.
Section 4. Members over 60 years old may pay dues at a reduced rate, as determined by the Executive Board.
Section 5. A Member who is not in Good Standing due to non-payment of dues after the 30-day grace period shall be considered current upon payment of (i) dues for the current fiscal year, and (ii) a 10% late payment fee.
Section 6. Dues and membership information shall be paid and provided to the Democratic Women of North Carolina’s Treasurer and 1st Vice-President/President-Elect each year per the schedule provided in the DWNC Constitution, Bylaws & Standing Rules.
Section 1. Officers and Standing Committee Chairs
Shall be elected at the November Membership Meeting and take office at the following January Membership Meeting.
Shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until their successors are elected and installed in office.
Shall not serve for more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.
If appointed or elected to complete an unexpired vacancy, such Officer or Committee Chair shall be eligible for nomination for a full term of the same office in the next election. Completion of an unexpired vacancy shall not count as a term for purposes of the consecutive term limit.
Other than the President, shall not serve concurrently on the board of the Mecklenburg County Executive Committee or as an officer of any other Democratic auxiliary organization in Mecklenburg County.
Section 2. Nominee Qualifications
Nominees for Officer positions must be in Good Standing and shall have:
Been a General Member for at least two (2) years.
Demonstrated leadership and administrative capabilities.
Regularly attended Membership Meetings and activities.
Served in responsible positions within the DWMC.
In addition to the qualifications provided above, nominees for the offices of Second Vice President (Membership) and Treasurer shall have basic computer skills and access to the Internet.
Nominees for Standing Committee Chairs and Special Committee Chairs must be in Good Standing and shall have:
Been a General Member for at least one (1) year.
Demonstrated leadership and administrative capabilities.
Regularly attended Membership Meetings and activities.
Section 1. Nominations
At least sixty (60) days prior to the Membership Meeting at which the election of Officers and Standing Committee Chairs will be held (“Election”), the Nominating Committee shall present a list of elected positions with descriptions of the duties of each office and eligibility requirements to the Internal Communications Chair for distribution to the Membership.
At least thirty (30) days prior to the Election, the Nominating Committee shall present a slate of Officer and Standing Committee Chair nominees (“Slate”) to the Internal Communications Chair for distribution to the Membership by mail or email.
Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the time of the Election. All such nominees must be verified by the Second Vice President to meet the qualifications as provided in Article XI, and must give consent to have their name placed in nomination.
Section 2. Election
The Election shall be held at the Membership Meeting in November of every other year.
In order to vote, a General Member must be (i) present and (ii) in Good Standing.
Elected Officers and Standing Committee Chairs shall assume office at the Installation meeting in January following the Election.
Section 3. Chief Teller
The President shall appoint a Chief Teller to plan and execute the Election. The Chief Teller must meet the following qualifications:
A Member in Good Standing,
Not currently serving on the Executive Board or any Special Committees.
Will not be nominated for an elected office.
The Chief Teller may appoint as many Members to serve as Tellers as deemed necessary to assist, in her discretion, each of whom must meet the same qualifications as required for the Chief Teller.
The duties of the Chief Teller include, but are not limited to:
Planning the agenda and form of the Election, in coordination with the President, including method of voting.
Verifying and registering General Members as present and in Good Standing, in coordination with the Second Vice President.
Balloting, if necessary.
Counting the votes.
Recounting the votes, if so ordered by the General Membership.
Section 1. The PRESIDENT shall:
Preside at all meetings of the DWMC.
Exercise general supervision over the affairs and activities of the DWMC.
Appoint a Parliamentarian.
Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee and the Audit Committee.
Approve all check requests before checks are written.
Sign Treasurer reimbursement checks.
With the Public Relations Chair and the Internal Communications Chair, serve as one of the three (3) officers authorized to approve of and issue electronic mail (“emails”) to the membership and other interested parties on behalf of the DWMC. All such emails must be reviewed and approved by at least one (1) other authorized officer, i.e., either (i) the Public Relations Chair, or (ii) the Internal Communications Chair. All such emails must follow the guidelines provided in the Electronic and Social Media Policy section of the DWMC Policies and Procedures Manual.
Build relationships with other groups and auxiliaries in Mecklenburg County.
Submit a copy of the DWMC Constitution and Bylaws to the DWNC State Executive Committee each year.
Attend the DWNC State Convention and Regional meetings.
Perform such other duties as specified in the Constitution and Bylaws.
Maintain appropriate records and within thirty (30) days upon completion of her term of office shall submit such records to her successor at a mutually agreed upon time and place.
Section 2. The FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT shall:
In the absence of the President, preside at all meetings.
Assist the President in all her duties, as requested.
Plan programs for regularly scheduled Membership Meetings.
Transfer all appropriate records to her successor upon completion of her term of office.
Section 3. The SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT shall:
In the absence of the President and the First Vice President, preside at all meetings.
Assist the President and the First Vice President in all their duties, as requested.
Maintain the DWMC Membership List, including the acceptance of new applications for membership and the verification that an applicant meets all requirements of membership.
Report the total count of the DWMC Membership List at meetings of the Executive Board and the Membership.
Report the count of General Members in Good Standing in attendance at each Membership Meeting, in order to establish whether a Quorum is present.
Validate the DWMC Membership List and the Good Standing of all Members with the Treasurer based upon paid dues. Coordinate with the Treasurer to report the DWMC Membership List (including names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers) and to submit state and regional dues required by the DWNC.
Coordinate with the Hospitality Committee to partner new Members with veteran Members to acclimate them to the DWMC and foster a sisterly bond.
Assist the Nominating Committee and the Chief Teller in determining the Good Standing and qualifications of nominees for elected office on the Executive Board.
Transfer all appropriate records to her successor upon completion of her term of office.
Section 4. The THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT shall:
In the absence of the President, First Vice President, and Second Vice President, preside at all meetings.
Assist the President, First Vice-President, and Second Vice-President in all their duties, as requested.
Monitor precinct activity and development.
Coordinate DWMC involvement with community events, programs, and initiatives related to DWMC Purposes, in partnership with auxiliary organizations, including Get Out the Vote (GOTV) initiatives in Mecklenburg County.
Transfer all appropriate records to her successor upon completion of her term of office.
Section 5. The SECRETARY shall:
Keep all minutes of the meetings of the Membership and the Executive Board.
Maintain written reports of the Officers and Committee Chairs.
Provide copies of the Executive Board meeting minutes via mail or email to the members of the Executive Board before the next scheduled Executive Board meeting.
Provide copies of Membership Meeting minutes to the Internal Communications Chair for distribution to the Membership.
Present the Membership Meeting minutes for approval at the following Membership Meeting.
Maintain copies of resolutions.
Maintain list of all honorees from fundraisers.
Secure a Member to take the minutes in her absence.
Place all minutes, resolutions, list of honorees from fundraisers, and Treasurer’s reports in notebook(s) to be passed forward.
Transfer all appropriate records in notebook(s) to her successor upon completion of her term of office.
Section 6. The TREASURER shall:
Take the State Board of Elections financial report preparation training as required by the State Board of Elections, within thirty (30) days of taking office.
Be responsible for all receipts and disbursements of funds.
Make a full written budget to actual financial report at every Executive Board meeting and Membership Meeting, as well as any interim reports the President may direct.
Work with the Executive Board to prepare an annual budget.
Request the President’s approval for all check requests before checks are written.
Have the President sign reimbursement checks to the Treasurer.
Prepare and submit, in a timely manner, all reports as required by the State Board of Elections.
Coordinate with the Second Vice President to report the DWMC Membership List (including names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers) and to submit state and regional dues required by the DWNC.
Email monthly reports to Secretary and President.
Issue three (3) quarterly reports to the Executive Board; one in April, one in July, one in October. Said reports shall include the total expenses and account balances.
Transfer all appropriate records to her successor upon completion of her term of office.
Serve as an ex-officio voting member of the Executive Board.
Not count toward the calculation of a Quorum at meetings of the Executive Board.
The Chair shall:
Chair the meetings of the committee.
Plan, coordinate, and oversee the work of the committee.
Provide a written report of the work of the committee, if any, at meetings of the Executive Board and the Membership. Such report may be submitted by email to the Secretary.
Transfer all appropriate records to her successor upon completion of her term of office.
The Committee shall:
Review the Constitution and Bylaws annually and draft proposed amendments, if deemed necessary by the Chair.
Receive and review all proposed written amendments from the Membership.
Upon favorable action of the committee on any proposed amendment, present the amendment in written form to the Internal Communications Chair for distribution to the Membership, as provided in Article VIII.
Upon unfavorable action by the committee on any proposed amendment, give timely notification to its proponents of their right to have the proposed amendment mailed or emailed to the Membership as provided in Article VIII if (i) said amendment is supported by a resolution of endorsement from at least 15% of the General Membership, and (ii) the expense of reproduction and mailing is advanced by its proponents.
Review and draft proposed changes to the DWMC Policies and Procedures (herein also referred to as the “DWMC Policies and Procedures Manual”) for approval by the Executive Board.
The Chair shall:
Chair the meetings of the committee.
Plan, coordinate, and effectively oversee the work of the committee.
Provide a written report of the work of the committee, if any, at meetings of the Executive Board and the Membership. Such report may be submitted by email to the Secretary.
With the President and the Internal Communications Chair, serve as one of the three (3) officers authorized to approve of and issue electronic mail (“emails”) to the Membership and other interested parties on behalf of the DWMC. All such emails must be reviewed and approved by at least one (1) other authorized officer, i.e. either (1) the President (or her duly authorized representative), or (2) the Internal Communications Chair. All such emails must follow the guidelines provided in the Electronic and Social Media Policy section of the DWMC Policies and Procedures Manual.
Transfer all appropriate records to her successor upon completion of her term of office.
The Committee shall:
Publicize DWMC activities, including Membership Meetings, to the community at-large via print, television, and/or social media.
Coordinate all traditional and social media, including press releases, the DWMC website, Facebook, twitter, and any other emerging social media applications.
Receive and coordinate a response to any media inquiries for the final approval of the President or her authorized representative.
All electronic and social media communications must follow the guidelines provided in the Electronic and Social Media Policy section in the DWMC Policies and Procedures Manual.
The Chair shall:
Chair the meetings of the committee.
Plan, coordinate, and oversee the work of the committee.
Provide a written report of the work of the committee, if any, at meetings of the Executive Board and the Membership. Such report may be submitted by email to the Secretary.
With the President and the Public Relations Chair, serve as one of the three (3) officers authorized to approve of and issue emails to the Membership and other interested parties on behalf of the DWMC. All such emails must be reviewed and approved by at least one (1) other authorized officer, i.e. either (1) the President (or her duly authorized representative), or (2) the Public Relations Chair. All such emails must follow the guidelines provided in the Electronic and Social Media Policy section of the DWMC Policies and Procedures Manual.
Transfer all appropriate records to her successor upon completion of her term of office.
The Committee shall:
Coordinate the notification to the Membership and other interested parties when and where Membership Meetings will be held.
Coordinate the notification to the Membership of any other important issues, including a list of vacant local governmental board positions, via email and/or a monthly newsletter, for approval and distribution by the Internal Communications Chair.
All communications must follow the guidelines of the Electronic and Social Media Policy section of the DWMC Policies and Procedures Manual.
The Chair shall:
Chair the meetings of the committee.
Plan, coordinate, and oversee the work of the committee.
Provide a written report of the work of the committee, if any, at meetings of the Executive Board and the Membership. Such report may be submitted by email to the Secretary.
Transfer all appropriate records to her successor upon completion of her term of office.
The Committee shall:
Research and report to the Executive Board issues related to the DWMC Purposes.
Present proposed resolutions related to the DWMC Purposes to the Executive Board for approval by majority vote for presentation to the Membership.
The Chair shall:
Chair the meetings of the committee.
Plan, coordinate, and oversee the work of the committee.
Provide a written report of the work of the committee, if any, at meetings of the Executive Board and the Membership. Such report may be submitted by email to the Secretary.
Transfer all appropriate records to her successor upon completion of her term of office.
The Committee shall:
Coordinate the Annual Paint the Town Blue Gala Candidate Fundraiser (“Fundraiser”), including presentation of the Doris Cromartie award. The Fundraiser must follow the guidelines provided in the “Paint the Town Blue Gala Candidate Fundraiser” Policies and Procedures of the DWMC Policies and Procedures Manual.
Submit a complete written report to the Executive Board detailing the Fundraiser revenues and expenses, to be kept in the records of the Treasurer and Secretary.
Coordinate or assist in all other fundraising events sponsored by the DWMC.
The Chair shall:
Chair the meetings of the committee.
Plan, coordinate, and oversee the work of the committee.
Provide a written report of the work of the committee, if any, at meetings of the Executive Board and the Membership. Such report may be submitted by email to the Secretary.
Transfer all appropriate records to her successor upon completion of her term of office.
The Committee shall:
Keep, organize, and preserve the historical records and memorabilia of the DWMC.
Prepare an annual narrative account of DWMC activities for approval by the Executive Board to become part of the official DWMC historical record.
The Chair shall:
Chair the meetings of the committee.
Plan, coordinate, and oversee the work of the committee.
Provide a written report of the work of the committee, if any, at meetings of the Executive Board and the Membership. Such report may be submitted by email to the Secretary.
Transfer all appropriate records and supplies to her successor upon completion of her term of office.
The Committee shall:
Coordinate light refreshments for the Membership Meetings.
Meet and greet Members at Membership Meetings.
Work with the Second Vice-President to partner new Members with veteran Members to acclimate them to the DWMC and to foster a sisterly bond.
Contact sick or bereaved Members on behalf of the DWMC.
Coordinate food and drink for the annual Holiday Party.
Assist at other special DWMC events, as needed.
The Chair shall:
Chair the meetings of the committee.
Plan, coordinate, and oversee the work of the committee.
Present a list of elected positions with descriptions of the duties of each office and eligibility requirements to the Internal Communications Chair for distribution to the Membership at least sixty (60) days prior to the Election.
Present the Slate to the Internal Communications Chair for distribution to the Membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the Election.
Transfer all appropriate records to the Secretary upon completion of the committee’s mission.
The Committee shall:
Ascertain eligibility of proposed nominees, in coordination with the Second Vice President.
Reach consensus prior to asking anyone to serve as a nominee.
Obtain the consent of the proposed nominee to include her name on the Slate.
Ensure that no member of the Nominating Committee is included as a nominee on the Slate.
The Chair shall:
Chair the meetings of the Fundraiser Disbursement Committee.
Plan, coordinate, and oversee the work of the committee.
Transfer all appropriate records to the Treasurer upon completion of the committee’s mission.
The Committee shall:
Follow the “Paint the Town Blue Gala Candidate Fundraiser” Policies and Procedures provided in the DWMC Policies and Procedures Manual.
Prior to the initial meeting of the Fundraiser Disbursement Committee, receive from the Treasurer a final accounting of that year’s Fundraiser, including the funds available for disbursement minus seed money for the following year’s Fundraiser.
Meet within a reasonable time following appointment by the President.
Within a reasonable time after the Fundraiser, submit a complete written report to the Executive Board with recommendations for disbursement to candidates of funds raised, to be kept in the records of the Treasurer.
The Chair shall:
Chair the meetings of the committee.
Plan, coordinate, and oversee the work of the committee.
Transfer all appropriate records to the Secretary upon completion of the committee’s mission.
The Committee shall:
Audit the accounts of the Treasurer by following the guidelines provided in the Audit Committee section of the DWMC Policies and Procedures Manual.
Submit a complete written report to the Executive Board and the Membership detailing the findings of the audit.
The Chair shall:
Chair the meetings of the committee.
Plan, coordinate, and oversee the work of the committee
Transfer all appropriate records to the Secretary upon completion of term of office.
The Committee shall:
Serve as a Council of Review. The DWMC shall provide for the internal resolution of grievances and shall not be subject to the North Carolina Democratic Party Council of Review 9.00. Any aggrieved Member may contact the Chair of the Grievance Committee.
Prior to a formal hearing, make every effort to mediate and resolve the grievance to the satisfaction of all parties.
Conduct all formal hearings of a grievance properly brought to the committee by following the guidelines provided in the Grievance Committee section of the DWMC Policies and Procedures Manual.
Ad Hoc Special Committees shall perform such duties as assigned to them by the authority by which they were created.
Section 1. Membership Meetings
The Membership shall meet at least eight (8) times a year for the order of business, at a specified time and place (“Membership Meeting”).
Membership Meetings may be held through electronic means, if deemed necessary by majority vote of the Executive Board. Means of registration must be provided to determine individual Good Standing and to declare a Quorum.
Additional Membership Meetings may be called if deemed necessary by the President.
Membership Meetings may be cancelled by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board and notification to the Membership.
Attendance of fifteen percent (15%) of the General Membership in Good Standing shall constitute a Quorum.
The Order of Business at all Membership Meetings shall be as follows:
Call to Order
Record Attendance
Treasurer’s Report: Budget to Actual
Reports of Officers and Committee Chairs
Unfinished Business
New Business
Section 2. Executive Board Meetings
The Executive Board shall meet at least four (4) times a year on a quarterly basis, at a specified time and place.
Executive Board Meetings may be held through electronic means, if deemed necessary by the President.
Additional Executive Board meetings may be called if deemed necessary by the President.
Executive Board meetings may be cancelled by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board.
Attendance of two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Executive Board shall constitute a Quorum.
Section 1. No person who is or was a DWMC Officer, Standing Committee Chair, or Special Committee member shall be personally liable for monetary damages arising out of an action within the scope of their official duties as set forth in the DWMC Constitution and Bylaws and pursuant to North Carolina law.
Section 2. The provision set forth in Section 1 shall not be effective if the DWMC Officer, Standing Committee Chair, or Special Committee member is acting outside the scope of their official duties, is not acting in good faith, commits gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct that results in damage or injury.
(as revised March 14, 2018)
Section 1. Dues for General and Associate Members under 60 years old are $30 per year. Dues for those Members 60 years old and over are $20 per year.
Section 2. In a month when a Membership Meeting is called, it will be held at 6:30 p.m. on the second (2nd) Wednesday of that month.
Amended and Approved 2003, 2006, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2018, 2020, 2022